We are a community offering people a chance to connect, learn, grow and engage through evolutionary teachings.
Fhortruss, with this spelling, means fortified city of light.
Our Community, Our Unity,

Bio Life-Inspire specializes in co-creating a new paradigm of understanding. Based in the San Francisco Bay area of California, we are a small business with a big mission: to help people see who they are, discover what they are capable of and navigate the direction of their life. We offer workshops and one-to-one services that help people lead more fun and authentic lives. We guarantee confidentiality and protect your privacy. We do not share your name or contact information or any personal

I am a spiritual activist deeply dedicated to shining a loving light into the shadows so that we might better transform ourselves and our world. I have an unwavering commitment to live in service to all beings. I do my best to promote love, healing, and empowerment in all parts of my life.

Jessica McLeish is Chef/Owner of Sourced Cuisine, a Laguna Beach-based Farm-to-Table meal delivery company. She is a lover of locally grown produce, camping, good wine, bird watching and gathering information about the mysteries of the universe. She is also a pretty darned competitive beach volleyball player. An entrepreneur at heart, Jessica is 2 years into her second career. Before launching Sourced Cuisine in 2015, she owned a public relations firm serving clients throughout California.

Sean is an engineer, artist and businessman. He worked for a company that made submarines but changed this when he realized his potential for photography and business. His spiritual journey began at a young age, but developed it more deeply when he visited Damanhur for Alchemy school. His path now takes him from his California home and to Damanhur several times a year.

Wendy has helped fund events that support the growth of humanity. She is an activist and humanitarian. She is an artist at heart and I am pretty sure Wendy has angel wings.

Dr. Petia Kremen is board certified in both Internal medicine as well as Integrative & Holistic medicine and has practiced for over 10 years. She received her medical degree from the University of Varna, Bulgaria followed by additional postgraduate training in both England and the US (UCLA). At UCLA she received the distinguished “Excellence in Medicine” award for her skills and compassion while completing her Internal Medicine specialization training. While she was practicing Internal medical f

There is a purity, a truth here that is palpable yet indescribable, which brings me back time and time again to the different workshops and one-on-one sessions. That’s not to say it’s always easy. On the contrary, it can be very challenging to be called to face my own resistance to growth and to be held accountable in creating the life I desire, but the fact that I can come as I am without having to adhere to any dogma or to be judged for “not having it all figured out” (and

My name is Kyle and I was born and raised in the Seattle area. Most of the last decade I have lived in the SF Bay Area. Currently I enjoy most of my time in Southeast Florida. I am a powerful, committed and compassionate leader. I am a world traveler. My vision is uplifting other humans through love, unity, joy and a sense of humor.